The newest and most technically challenging sub-categories of photography that I have attempted to capture. If only mosquitoes didn’t exist…

Milky Way at Pebble Beach
The Milky Way lights the sky above Ellingson Island from Pebble Beach at Split Rock State Park. Panorama of seven photos, D750, 20mm f/1.8G, f/1.8, ISO 3200, 13s.
Reaching for a Comet
A selfie of me reaching for not the stars, but a vaporizing ball of ice. D750, 105mm f/2.8G, f/2.8, ISO 1000, 5s.
Milky Way over Lake Superior
A sky full of stars and the Milky Way rising over the coast of Lake Superior. Stack of eight images, D750, 20mm f/1.8G, f/2.2, ISO 4000, 160s.
Comet C/2020 F3 NEOWISE at dusk over Lake Minnetonka. Stack of 16 images, D750, 105mm f/2.8G, f/2.8 ISO 1000, 80s.